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by me!!!
:+: Tuesday, April 30
I woke up from a nap this afternoon, thinking that it is wednesday morning and i started to freak out big time! For one and a half minute, I went 'Oh Shit oh Shit' until I was mentally able to realise that the sun has not even set yet. Haha how dumb can one get?? Two more papers left and I am already very much in d holiday mood. Did a few more illustrations, probably you guys would like to take a peek; this, this, this and this one that i absolutely hate cannot stand!! Okay back to my books! til its time for gilmore girls @ 11pm. *ponders whether i should catch ally too* Hmmzz... To those who are not mugging or finished their exams: Get off ur butt and PAR-TAY!!! I can't wait to join u guys!!

Took this fm andrew. It's been awhile since I last took a test. What the hell is taro?? Issit like yam??? haha heck at least its purple!! Checked the dictionary and this it what it says: plant of pacific island; its edible roots. Hmm that din help much.

I'm taro bubble tea!

Congratulations, you wacko. You're just a little bit eccentric... okay, that's an understatement. You're weird, and some people might even venture to call you completely wack. But you're an original, totally unique, and great at parties.

:+: Sunday, April 28
In three hours time, I'll b sitting for autocad paper. Seriously right til now, I haven't got much idea what the whole module is about. Yes i am so screwed. Noone can help me, not even LUCK. How??? *panic*

Three hours after the paper, I am back home!! As expected, I think the paper wasn't well done. All the while i was trying to crap as much as i could and still i ended like an hour before the paper. Definitely cannot expect much for this paper, sighs. I'll be overjoyed if I could pass the paper, then I would haf cleared all my required cross faculty modules!! Looks like i've gotta work extra harder for my last two papers!

:+: Friday, April 26
Life section pg 14: Writer's blog. A page dedicated to all of us, bloggers!!!! haha. Go check it out!!!! There's one para that reads:

"Still, amid the thrill of baring your innermost thoughts and emotions to strangers, danger rears its menacing head if cyber-stalkers come to know of your fave hangout, or worse, your address and attempt to track you down."

oh stalk me baby! I mean that only happens in extreme cases - not juz thr blogging! But i do agree that we should 'ventilate only as far as our comfort zone', most of us do that dun we?? Its fun to share your tots with your friends or people you dun even know, i simply love d kinda interaction that's going on! Juz makes you motivated to keep on blogging.

People always say that OPEN book examz are very TOUGH and requires alot of analytical thinking. This paper is TOTALLY oppposite men! When i looked at the paper and my first reaction was like ' WTF?????' Its almost EXACTLY like the past year paper. No kidding men, the way the questions were phrased were exactly the same, except for some changes in numbers. Only the numbers, can u believe that? Kaoz, this lecturer is damn lazy i tell ya, those who never attempted last year paper sure lugi one. Lucky me and thanks to Mervyn for his help, if not i will not b able to 'copy' down my answers that easily. After the paper, I was walking outta the exam hall and i heard people complaining how tough it was, duno how to do this or that questions. hehee.....*smiles all d way* Tom's valuation II is gonna be damn siong. Right now I am trying to seek help last minute. I juz realised that it is not that easy Looks like i hafta burn midnite oil again. What a weekend! haha. WISH ME LUCK??????????? hahaa......gimme gimme!!!

:+: Wednesday, April 24
Thanks guys! I am feeling a lil better now already. Studying for examz sucks. Good news!!! I am going to move. No more banner ads and hopefully faster loadin of graphics!!@ This is really exciting for me cos its rather an unexpected but definitely a pleasant surprize. Love Love Love her for being such a dear hostess aka neighbour. who's she? haha...*acts secretive* prob u'll haf a better idea when u click my new home. My new illustration is there too. Dun change ur links first coz i prob do some major revamping after my examz. stay tuned for more updates!

stresss stress stresss...
past yr paper cannot do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STRresssssssssssss AH!!!

:+: Tuesday, April 23

Woohoo!! I completed the whole team!! Juz changed d colour and hair hehe. Now i seem like a hardcore powerpuff girls fan!!!! Hahaa Hafta admit they are an adorable bunch. Trying to revise my finance now, and in the meanwhile i am online printing answers for a few of my tutorials. yes now u noe how last min i am.

Later for dinner, daddy's gonna whip up some great dishes. Yippie, wish mum could join us but sigh she has to work late today. Really glad that somehow i am much closer to my parents than before. I rem the times when i would shut myself in my room and do my own stuff and mum will get really angry at me. Then i din quite understand but i guess now i do. So now i'll try to get out of my room as much as i can, make small talks with them and show care and concern whenever possible. It really does make a difference!! Just yesterday, my mum called me to wish me best of luck for my examz when i was on my way school, I was so touched I almost wanted to tear. Luv ya mummy daddy!!!! Oh yeah a reminder: Gilmore Girls is gonna be on tonite at 11pm rite after ally so be sure to catch it!!!!

:+: Monday, April 22

My first attempt in photoshop drawin blossom.

wahahhaa...wadaya think? Maybe i shall try using airbrush next time...hehe its so fun!! haha ya ya ya...i noe i should b revising but everyone needs a break! hehee...ok my books are 'seducing' (taken fm andrew) me now! adious!!! Argh i forgot to change shit pick of the week! haha...well that shall remain for another week coz i'm way too lazy to change it. haha

Which Nokia handphone are you?

:+: Saturday, April 20
Digital IXUS 330


Nikon Coolpix2500

Homex was down yesterday, as a result my homepage couldn't load properly....that was really fustrating men! But at least they got it fixed today..better than nuthing! haha. Its the digicam craze!!! Everybody wants to have one!!! He, her, you, me.....everyone...i see digicam on most bloggers' wishlists. That doesn't xclude me of cos! Extremely envious of benj coz his dad got him one just a few days ago.....what a lucky boy dun u think so? As much as i want to do the same, I feel extremely bad askin my dad. Have been thinkin .....should i get something cheaper or save til the cows come home?? I really really wan the canon ixus...but d new nikon one looks not bad too...wadaya guys think?? the latest ixus 330 is v cool n reasonable!! If i'm really gettin the ixus, i have tot of something that will make me feel slightly better. That is using my remaining angpow money and some savings amounting to around 300+ for part of it....as the the rest, i'll beg my dad as for my advanced bday gift (in oct!!) haha. Prob ask him after my examz! As for now i'll be a good girl and study. Its only one day away.....how i wish i had more time in my hands....but heck juz get it and over and done with. I need lotsa lotsa luck...haha so keep them coming hor! (buay paiseh)

:+: Friday, April 19
Plastic containers should not be used in heating our food in the microwave.

This applies to foods that contain fat. The combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxins into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Dioxins are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, the usage of, Corning Ware, or ceramic containers for heating food is highly recommended. You get the same results without the dioxins. So such things as TV dinners, instant saimin and soups, etc. should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. Just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. The reason why some of the fast food restaurants move waway from foam containers to paper is because of dioxin problem.

Besides plastic melts when heated, surely one wouldn't want to taste food together wif d melted plastic?

:+: Thursday, April 18
check THIS out, had intended to make it my new site layout but most probably not. I really like it alot but those furnitures weren't done by me. =( *envy* I am not that expert in autocad yet! But i promise to come up with something 100% original by myself like errm...soon.....

3 more days to examz. *shivers* time flies doesn't it? I dun think i am gonna blog much...kinda feeling guilty at the moment. I'd wanted to start work again at 2pm now its already almost 2.30pm. how i wish there were no examz!!! so many things running through my mind now....exams, my bangkok trip, digital camera...really no mood to study!! Its gonna be a pathetic weekend. anyway thnx to all who drop by....even if its once in a while! and all the best who are mugging like me!! for some magical fun, click here. okie dokie, i'm done for now...tata!! *poof & disappears*

:+: Wednesday, April 17
Hello again! eating waffles now for breakfast, anyone wans some? had a good nite's rest and ready to work soon!! The conservative, low profile me has always been stuck wif dark brown - black hair, prob i never quite like unnecessary attention + my dad is totally against changin hair color!!! But heck i want i need a change!! so i juz went ahead of it after jia told me n di that we could haf 48% discount at monsoon!! (who will resist such an offer?) i was juz so sick of studyin, i couldn't care less than it was juz a few days to my first paper! Bronze base n dark blonde streaks..i'm totally in luv in d color now! jpop lian wannab!!! think a tan will look betta wif d colour...after examz hehe!

gee the weather today is extremely humid and hot!!! gosh its so unbearable!!! *fans herself* took this test fm loke. haha oh yes i am one big lazy bum!! better buck up!!

What kind of egg are you?

:+: Tuesday, April 16
Cutie of the day

Allan Wu!!

"Gui Mo-Ni" everybody! haha that's actually good morning!!! but this phrase has been lingering on my mind eva since watching the drama show 'bukit ho swee'. Allan wu looks good!!! Charming, bronzed and a great physique!! Dun u guys agree? hehe. Dad just went to work and I think mum is gonna come back from marketing real soon. As for me, I should be revising my work right now prob later after this alrighty? (excuses!!) This morning when i wanted to stretch on my bed, i accidentally flung my handphone down the floor. My handphone was in pieces - the cover, the keypad and the body was all over the floor!!! freaked me men!!!! haha luckily its tough enuff and still working *phew*

The reason y i din blog yesterday was bcoz i wasn't really in a good mood, felt totally bitchy. To add on, I talked to this icq fren of mine and i duno y everything he said juz seem to pissed me off big time! Glad this is all over after a good night's rest!!! Later in the afternoon, I'm gonna colour my hair @ monsoons tog wif my two best buds, Di and Jia....haha *excited* Really sick of my layout, its gettin really stale. I swear I'm gonna do something about it right after my examz. Haf been surfin and noticin so many great sites!! *envy* Ok betta get gg, hope my revision will be somewhat productive!

:+: Monday, April 15
i'm tired. slept for onli like 3 hours last night, trying to do my work. i'm hungry. stomach's growlin altho i had a plate of chicken rice 4 dinner. i'm stressed. there's not much time left and i'm gonna to die! It's part midnight. my brain has sorta stopped functioning. i am going to bed pple! Suddenly i do not look forward to weekends.

:+: Sunday, April 14
haha i haf received quite a no. of complains regarding the fonts i used in the 'abtme' section! Guess what the efficient me made some immediate changes just to please all of you! Aint I such a sweetie? *pukes* hahaha So do lemme noe if there's any improvements etc or what other stuff u guys wanna noe abt me? I'll take them all into consideration!!! Hope u guys had a great wkend. Doesn't it suck to noe that its coming to an end real soon? poor pathetic plx-me gotta stay home and study! *wails out loud*

:+: Saturday, April 13
any1 wanna get to noe me better?? well i haf juz created a 'me' section on the left hand colum....so dun complain there isn't much info abt myself alrighty?!! really tired after doin tis so i better get some sleep, been a tiring day. *yawns* good nite!!

:+: Friday, April 12
Here's a lil voting game for u guys. Ase Wang (fm Spin & Virgin ad) VS Fiona Xie (fm City Beat etc). Take your pick!!!

Ase Wang . Fiona Xie

:+: Thursday, April 11
Okay Blogger's a lil unwell today...took a while b4 i could blog~ *phew* I stayed at home the whole day...had wanted to study but ended up reading three chapters onli. How unproductive *sulks* its so scary that its onli 11 days away fm examz. Sometimes i dun even wanna think about it.

sighz... had very bad dream this afternoon. Its not exactly a nitemare but it sure freaked me out big time. Scenario: I was aware that I am sleeping. There are relatives in my room. I open my eyes (in the dream) n i see my room exactly the way it was b4 i went for a nap. I tot i was awake. I tried very very hard to get up. The wierdest thing is I cannot get up at all. All of a sudden it seems like there's 'someone' controlling my bod and no matter how hard i forced myself, I couldn't even move at all. I tried screaming but no voice came out @ all. I struggled very very hard to get myself move....its only after 3 min of intense struggle, i 'sorta' woke up and could move. Funny thing is the urban economics book i saw in my dream was in the same position when i woke up. Sure it was damn freaky but its definitely not my first time encountering this sorta 'struggle'. I had the same prob last nite, today i couldn't take it anymore men!! Wonder if anyone can interpret the meaning behind the dream?

buaya --> its not ez to get a host la...so many criteria plus i am an html idiot. sighz!!! My guestbk is NOT wkin...sux! not a very gd day eh? if u guys wanna leave a note in guestbk, try to comment section alrighty? del --> u r makin me realli hungry...hehe i miss indian food men!

What do you love about ur partner most? Its fun - check it out!
Qn: What is your first thought when looking at the number below?

1. Year
2. fone no.
3. Money
4. Combination code in a locker room

Highlight the below blank space 2 see ur analysis!!
1. You think they are very smart one. You love their brain.
2. You love their personality. Everything they do is beautiful.
3. Let's face it... you love their money.
4. You love their appearance... You like gd-looking people.

:+: Tuesday, April 9
Gosh i thoroughly enjoyed myself @ ritz carlton last nite!!!!! the BEST buffet i eva had since a freaking loooooooong time! Students like me couldn't afford such HIGH class dining all the time u noe! They served butter chicken, braised chicken, chicken in cream sauce, lamb rack, poached prawns, sweet & sour garoupa, black pepper crabs, roasted duck, sushi, sashimi, jellyfish, stingray, tomyum noodles and soooooo much more! there's juz too many fab dishes to rem! *slurpz* I knew i had to try abit of everything or else i would not be satisfied!!! Desserts were even more sedap!!! the cheesecake is VERY VERY delicious + the apple crumble + the choc mouse cake. And guess what i ate til i had a horrible stomach ache!!!!!!! hahahha. Serve me right for being such a glutton!!! but my friend joseph was worse, he ate so much more than me and he was ONLY a lil full. Guys ah... aiyoyo!! Oh yes the ambience over there was overwhelming ....had live performance on piano....fantastic lightings (that made me feel cosy)....superb decor (even the table cloth looked so good!!)...not to mention great service and much much more! Well all these good food n ambience came with a price of coz! including gst and service charge, it amounted to like $43.50 per head. *pengz* Luckily it was a treat....but i felt so bad that i offered to pay half of my share. After dinner, i felt so much like a pregnant lady and i certainly had a hard time draggin myself to the MRT station...coz ! haha Ritz carlton rocks!!!!!

ps: gilmore girls (11pm) & ally mcbeal (10pm) premieres on 23 April!!! Hip Hip hooray!!! lalala...

:+: Monday, April 8

Which tarot card are you?

aloha!!! i haven blogged for a day..did u guys miss me? i doubt so eh? =( Anyway this morning i went to macs to study! ended up trying all the new stuff there!!! The new chicken singaporridge and the durian cone is not too bad u noe!!! *slurps* Not that i'm a fan of macs but i think its worth a try! $3 for a bowl of porridge is quite steep..but it comes with a free red spoon (wtf??) haha sorry i'm not saying much about studies coz there's nothing much to say anyway! haha. In the evening, joseph came over to my place to print his FYP.....60+ pages. Siao liao....ink + papers almost gone liao! haha but the good thing is, he's gonna to treat me to dinner @ ritz carlton tom! yippie haha who cares about growing fat?? i loveeeeee food!!!! hehe but sianz i haf sch fm 4-6pm tom! its damn sucky to haf lessons in the evening men!

:+: Friday, April 5
Its saturday n i'm stuck @ home. No dates + lotsa wks undone. Lotsa colour tests to keep me outta boredom. I think i am still bored. Sigh.....


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!

I'm Green! Click to see what color you are!

GREEEEN again and again.. looks like i'm stuck wif this colour! but green is one of my fave colours....besides purple n black! haha so i'm pretty happy wif the results!!!!!! =)



Today's law tut was 10-12....and i was an hour late! opps, i actually woke up super early for class but after bath, dressing up there was still alot of time left....so i decided to take a short rest. Who noes i woke up at 9.50....rushed out of the house and waited for 40min for cab! DUH its so damn fustrating u noe! but well at least i turned up eh? Caught Waterboys wif kirk after tutorial... abit drama rama but extremely funny. I would say i enjoyed the show - whole load of cute guys!!! *drools* haha surprise i got two gifts fm kirk....a mashi maro keychain & a fan (fm jap)..y am i tellin u guys tt? hmm.....oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!! GILMORE GIRLS is returning this month on channel 5 - season 2!!! HIP HIP HOOOOORAY! heheeeeeee.....i'm soooooo happy & excited. hehee.

:+: Wednesday, April 3

yet another quiz i took fm someone's else blog! haha....i can't rem who...juz happen to stumble upon. call me boliao i dun care *bleah*

Someone called me a lazy bitch for not blogging for the entire day.(YES ITS U ELF!!!) so here i am!!! tada. I went school today for law tutorial discussion only. supposed to go for my autocad tut but i only realised that its so-called 'project week'. how dumb can i get? haha lucky peiling told me early or else i would haf gone into the room like a dumbass pondering y the rest of the class hasn't turned up yet! haha. So i went home straight after that...(agreed to find jia @ starbucks but i really had nothing to do while waiting 4 hrs for her) cooked dinner wif daddy...so cool. we prepared fried chicken, steam fish and chili lady's finger!! but i ended up hurting my toes!! (a drop of BOILING oil landed on my toes) sob =( Then it felt like deep fried toes men!!! ouch! *phew* its much better now after applying d lotion my dad passed to me! aww...he's so sweet! yay!!! di's gonna wake me up at 8.30am tom!?? haha like what's so great abt that? we are gonna study tom @ millenia walk then reward ourselves with fantastic dinner n a movie!!! sounds great eh! haha really looking forward to tom!!!! hehe can't wait =)

:+: Tuesday, April 2

I am expected to die on:
May 25, 2066

at the age of 86 years old.

Take the death test now!!!!!!!

haa i aint that bitchy afterall~ Elf's like a 56% bitch. Haha and 76% bastard!!! wat can i say men? Today's lesson wasn't that interesting (what's new anyway?) and now i'm down with a headache..damn! that's when like i am about to start doing my work. how unlucky can i get? Juz poped in two panadols...let's hope it gets better after a while!!!

You were probably an average child. Nothing less, nothing more.

test yourself at geekykid.net

ah..i guessed it as much. never was considered d gifted one but i'm contented wif wateva i am today =) u should too!!!

:+: Monday, April 1

Hello i'm back! at least 90% recovered! Actually i'm supposed to have school today....but i juz felt too lazy to get out of the house. so you could say that i (sorta) ponteng sch. I forgot that the class rep informed me last nite that we are supposed to take class photo this morning...but its alright. Not as if i look good in photos anyway..haha. =) Its April's Fools Day, so did you guys come up with any pranks for ur frenz, families or even teachers?? tell me tell me...coz i'm so bored @ home! Time to freak myself out : 21 days b4 my first paper!!! *shivers*

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