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by me!!!
:+: Friday, March 29
i'm sick n feelin weak...can't even cut my toe nails properly....gee i feel soooo pathetic. sorry if i can't blog much... typin requires a considerable amount of energy too u noe....

:+: Thursday, March 28

Just got back from Alegria!!!!! boy it was really entertaining - the costumes, the stunts and the effects were terrific!!! i especially loved the music...some sounding like modern jazz, damn cool men! But i decided not to buy the cd coz i could easily download them from morpheus. i can save $23 juz like tt!!! (see that's the cheapskate me!) Highly recommended, oh ya btw any nice songs 4 me to download lately? I haven been listening much to radio nowadays...so i'm kinda outta touch.

The rest of the day was unproductive. Made plans to study but i ended up drawing (sigh i need motivation men!!) In the evening, i prepared dinner (its edible alright!!!!)..a lil gabra but the spareribs with honey turned out quite nice. A lil too oily tho...*bleah* I shall avoid oily food for the next few days...its kinda making me sick n grossed out. Time for some healthy, soupy food!!!!

:+: Wednesday, March 27
Today's presentation went alright. With almost half the class missing, there was definitely less pressure/stress. However nothing can change the fact that i still do fear presentation (to a certain extent til now). No more shivers or stammers, but i just hate it when my classmates look at me in complete silence. Somehow i have this feeling that each and everyone of them are anticipating the moment i embarass myself so they can all have something to laugh about. Haha....alright i am kinda exaggerating here but really presentation is so not my forte!!!

Enuff abt tt....hehe its a chicken day. macaroni chicken for lunch and kfc chicken for dinner. chicken - my fave of all time, how can i possibly live without chicken? Never! lala did u guys noe that kfc is having promotion now and two pieces of chicken costs only $1.99!!!! WOW!!!! that sure sounds exciting to me! haha....wat r u guys waiting for? Pls dun tell me u prefer mc-crispy....(i'll b really disappointed) haha

:+: Tuesday, March 26
Electronic Intelligent Lifeform Engineered for Exploration and Nullification

The name of Eileen creates a quick, analytical, and clever mind; you are creative, versatile, original, and independent. You have large ambitions, and it is difficult for you to be tolerant and understanding of those who desire less in life or who are more slow and methodical by nature. Patience is not your forte. You do, however, have leadership ability and would never be happy in a subservient position. You are ambitious and aggressive by nature. You would be happiest in positions where you are free to express individually and creatively and where opportunities are not restricted; you desire freedom, and do not tolerate being possessed by others. You appreciate change and travel, and the opportunity to meet and mix with others, and to influence them with your creative ideas. You are very self-confident and feel you can accomplish anything you set out to do, and you can, although, this name does not allow proper completion of undertakings, and forced changes cause financial losses and bitter experiences. This name also creates caustic expression and moods which prevent harmony and happiness in close association. When under strain, tension could affect the stomach and solar plexus. There is a tendency for you to worry.

wonder who bothers to read the whole explanation chunk on my name....seriously i haven! it wun b tt accurate anyway...how can all d eileens in d world possess d same traits? scary tot i tell ya. haha. its only til now that i realised that there's not juz 1 but 2 other eileens out there in d blog world (so far!) haha...wat to do, its such a lovely name isn't it? haha. k guys wanna noe what u think; xiang or eileen sounds betta???

*burps* very bao. Its been a while since daddy cooked. There was fish, chicken and sausage but no veggie??? As you can see it wasn't really a healthy meal but i totally appreciate pa's effort! yummy! Come to think of it, its been a while since i cooked 4 d family too...hehe maybe after my examz when i'm more free to experiment dishes. cool recipes any1??

:+: Monday, March 25
74th academy awards day
4 more info on it & movie reviews, do check out di's blog. today's kinda sweet but that's all i'm saying. so no long para today. *bleah* oh ya thx buayaben 4 linking mua in his blog...a v funny n green site! & del too!!

I Will Die of Natural Causes.
Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack.. Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats

Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!

this pic kinda freaks me out.....*shivers*

:+: Sunday, March 24
Di's three day bday celebration is finally over. (ps: thank ur mum 4 d wonderful food she prepared & i'm sure u got millions of pressies!!) Back to reality - STUDY, ASSIGNMENTS, TUTORIALS, EXAMS, men it sux to noe that its gonna be monday all over again tom.

Everybody's rite about A beautiful mind being a terrific movie n if are not gonna catch it, its ur loss! (so glad i caught it last nite!) oh yes all of you who caught it probably was very impressed with russell crowe's performance. ya ya he's gd but the guy who won me over completely was Paul Bettany. *brilliant performance!!* He starrs as Charles Herman, Crowe's imaginary room-mate. Bettany is still as charismatic if not more since i last saw him in the comical & extremely witty role of Chaucer in A Knight's Tale Dun mind me.....he's such a cutie!!!! His name appears infront of my comp whenever the screensaver mode is activated... and i've decided to name him cutie of the day!!!! (even most might not agree wif me) *applause* (omigosh!! he's wearing a purple suit...my fave colour...my man!!!!)

Cutie of d day
Name*Paul Bettany
Place of Birth*England
Date of Birth* 27 May 1971
Sign* Gemini
Up & coming movies inc*
The Reckoning aka Morality Play
--> Mystery Thriller (2002)
The Heart of Me
--> Independent UK film (2002)
--> dramatic thriller with cast like Nicole Kidman & Stellan Skaarsgard. (2003)

:+: Friday, March 22

Take the ICQuiz!

yet another stupid test! i haf finally broken my so called promises not to take any worthless quizes. but who cares? its quite true on the part that i get distracted easily. I wonder if my short answers eva pissed anyone off..hmm

Right now i'm at di's house!!! waiting 4 d party to start!! hee stayed over her house last nite & had sum great fun last nite wif both of them (di & jia) haha found more great nite spots to hang out!! Empress Place (Museum) has realli nice ambience...view of boat quay n gd lookin pple! (one of d waiter is damn cute men...but sigh i think he's only about 17-18yrs). Later we moved on to Grand hyatt - mezza9 for dessert. Ordered this dessert platter ($28) with 8 diff varieties served on a glass platter....it was d best dessert i eva had men! everything @ meza9 tt nite seemed almost perfect, excellent service + excellent decor + excellent food. wat more can i ask for? jia went crazy talkin abt chefs being lobster killers n how lobsters r part of our family (???). She even took a pic of the empty platter, tried to decorate it wif a red pepper(???) and a glass stained wif her lipstick mark(???) me n di practically couldn't stop laffing...of coz the pple nearby us couldn't stop staring. including d waiters. haha!!!!

:+: Thursday, March 21
I was clearing my mails n i happen to come across one sent by rozi. tot i would like to share it with all of u readin tis.

"After a while u learn d subtle difference btn holding a hand & chaining a soul, & u learn tt love doesn't mean leaning & company doesn't mean security, & u begin 2 learn tt kisses aren't contracts & presents aren't promises. & u begin 2 accept ur defeats wif ur head up & ur eyes open, wif d grace of an adult, not d grief of a child. & u learn 2 build all ur rds on 2day bcoz tom's ground may be 2 uncertain 4 plans. After a while u learn tt even sunshine burns if u get 2 much. So u start 2 plant ur own garden & decorate ur own soul instead of waiting 4 some1 2 bring u some flowers. & u learn tt u can really endure... Tt u really r strong. & tt u really do have worth."

:+: Wednesday, March 20
Its a beautiful day!! (U2!!) Rise n Shine to a great morning.

It started as a noisy grumbly morn til pa asked ma to end her obsession wif housewk 4 d time being!! Pa (in mandarin): "y dun u go n take a break instead n stop complainin abt housewk!!" Haha i'd betta treasure wateva peace i haf for now.. finally i can concentrate on my valuation report. (due tom!! argh...haha)

i haf added a new section (on d left) 4 any1 who needs a change. a change 4?? new operator logos, picture message or even ringtones!! you can either go to my webbie or this one. Haf fun...n noe ur limits haha.



hehe...its d pass freedom, R(A) movies, political rts n lots more! congrats woman....hugz hugz hugz!! gonna c u tom (as in later in d afternoon, yippie! ur treat? hahaa...jk! bday gal calls d shots!! *sings* happy bday 2 u, happy bday 2 u, happy bday to di, happy bday 2 u!!!!!

elf sent me a super duper funny song today - hokkien version of d tiger beer jingle...he practically laffed his ass off men! haha. if u wanna take a listen go to his blog. Its goes sumthin' like si mi diam sia, its tiger time!!! so duh...haha. I'm a good gal =) trying to restrict myself fm taking those 'worthless tests'...let's see how long i can tahan. Not for long i guess.....i juz discovered so many tests ...grr. di darlin if u r reading tis...u gotta take tis requiem test!!!

kirk: if u r reading tis: CHEEEEER UP!!! @)}-;----- flower 4 u.

:+: Monday, March 18

What San-X character are you?

You seem to dwell on the past and always want more out of life. It's hard for you to realize how lucky you are to be an individual, so use it to your advantage! ;)

oh yes prob there's sum truth abt me lookin back n not being contented wif life. sumtimes i wish i was like a certain person or not be a certain part of me....time to wake up - treasure wat's ard me n live life to the fullest!! (easier said than done)

in sch:
i forgot my pencil case, lecture notes, tutorial sheet & knew we had to present a qn juz b4 d lesson. i survived sch anyhow.

over icq:
lan was pissed wif me 4 tryin to make her feel better. she wanted solutions not consolation. wtf men - wateva. i'm pissed. @ least show sum appreciation.

:+: Sunday, March 17
noticed anything diff??? yes yes a new outlook! wadaya think? criticisms r very welcome...juz need opinions..like issit too purple or watever. this time, i tried 2 organize it a lil n also made it suitable 4 1042x768 screensize.

i skipped sch today coz i was realli tired n needed more rest...ended up doing my blog designs. (opps!!) went down 2 d condo again to get sum more info....at last i got the site map n floor plan!! haf ya eva wondered what ur dreams symbolise? i happened to stumble on this page which might b of sum help - ask the dreamdoctor.

this is 4 my darlin di!!!! our fave - sunflowers!! ps: do cheer up alrighty?? always here 4 u =) (pps: i'm not a les mind u!!!)

this is the most super bo liaoz quiz i haf taken so far....cannot make it men!!! can't believe i actually went thr it...haha well u see i'm bo liao (not happy ah?) haha. warning: try it only when u are ultra bored. (as it says: a complete waste of time online quiz!)

*Take The Ice Cream Flavour Test!*

heehe strawberry's alright.... but i prefer cookies & cream/rocky road. just my luck...haha

wat a long day....n i'm finally home =) hung out wif my 2 best buds jia n di...realli enjoyed myself!!! as planned, we caught ice age..was kinda heartwarming n funny (can't believe elf actually tot ice age was rated R(A)...how dumb! ben ben leh!!!) hahahhahahhahahahaa dinner @ sushi-tei was alright but d egg-white on my ebi ni don was sorta gross (1/2raw=yicky) bleah....d best was dessert @ paulaner not onli do they serve solid german beer, lemme tell ya d apple strudel ROCKS!!!! its a MUST-try *yummy* can u believe tt even d bread tastes gd? d potato dumpling sux tho! opps. looks like i gotta go on a diet tom *pouts* thank u sooo muchie di 4 d wonderful treat!! did i tell ya millenia walk is my fave hang out spot..there u go!!! i luvvvvvvvvve m.w!!

Ps: i haf sch tom. suxx (d tot of it makes me sick!!!!)

:+: Saturday, March 16

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

yayyyyy!! i am pooh!! my fave fave fave character!!! juz knew tt i was somewat becoming like pooh....lazy n slow. haha thanks for benj 4 discoverin the quiz!!

realize this gp of frenz..benj, johnny, allen, wx have been droppin by my blog pretty frequently....thanks so muchie. all i noe abt them is they r a gp of poly buds takin IT.......a kind n fun bunch i muz say. haha (ps w/o u guys..my comment section would b kau-song!!) di..r u readin this?? are u not guilty?? haha (juz kiddin!)

time for sum 1st hand news!! jia is ATTACHED...like this very early morning. haha. its so obvious that aaron is showing signs of interest....i'm a genius!! gg down in the middle of d nite to her place for a challenge?? wtf...who would b so crazy...(not me..i rather sleep!) anyway congrats gal, realli happy 4 ya. He's a much better catch haha. so when will it b my turn? i am sooooooo jealous...gee i betta stop soundin so desperate) haha.. at least i still got my classic poohies....my loyal cuties!!!

ya went down 2 marina villa @ marine parade yest evenin 4 val proj...n tis is 1 of d pics i took wif elf's digicam...hee.. i juz lurve playin wif d digicam..realli realli wan one!!! *wails* shitz....i'm gonna b late 4 my tuition..betta run.......

:+: Friday, March 15
I'm corn! One of the best loved of vegetables,
I'm loved by all I meet! (or so I like to think).
I'm outgoing, popular, and loved by the general
populace. I can sometimes be really rude to
those who oppose me, and I hate being proved
wrong. Afterall, I'm always right!

Take the Vegetable Quiz

hmm....that's not quite me. i'm not miss popular (duh!) n i certainly do not think i'm always rite. but.......i'm super duper CORNy tho....haha

I am 27% evil. *wahahaha*

You try 2 stay away fm evil deeds but succumb 2 temptation
every once in a while. You aren't quite on your way to hell
but you certainly have some explaining to do.

only 27%?? that's too lil men!! i was expecting @ least 50%!! guess i haf 2 try 2 give in 2 temptation more often....
here i come fudgy chocolate cake...haha

as usual blogger isn't very kind to me..i dun care anymore as long as i get to post my stuff. 2day's quite cool except for the 4 hr long proj discussion + terrible eva-lasting headache + 3 cleverly positioned ulcers + bad cramps.

finally met jia n di's mutual fren, aaron. v frenly n real chap.. was kinda thankful that he nitiated d conversation. (i was feeling realli anti social then) ya..d video filming thingie turned out b pretti fun altho i totally refused to c d replay on viewcam. (i'm ugly alright!) me n jia then headed off to town hoping to get di's ressie...but somehow we juz couldn't agree on d type of wallet ..grrr. so pek chek n tired men! (d headache din help much!!) din noe shopping for pressies can b so tough.... hee i saw a wallet tt i kinda like...haa think its time i should get a new one too...*hint*

dinner @ breeks:
chicken mozette + german choc cake = HEAVEN
(and putting on MORE weight!!!) haha... yummy but very bloated...*burps*

:+: Thursday, March 14
Blogger doesn't like me! *poutz* i am always having problems here and there when logging in. the server was down the whole evening
yesterday....and now wheneva i get into the blogger site...my whole explorer goes down!! grrr SUXXXXX

examz r like 6 wks away!! (& i haf 6 modules 2 clear!) what a scary tot!! 4 d 1st time i was determined 2 stay home today n study...but guess wat? i ended up falling asleep while reading my notes!!!!!!! then another 2 hrs was spent infront on d t-wee...when wk should haf been done... i am still a pathetic slacker! Haha

think my webpg looks kinda boring...it prob needs a makeover or sumthin' any suggestions? haa...haf been surfing and came across quite alot of cool sites made wif flash! here r some sites that sorta inspired me...

. project43
. fuelindustries
. infinitumdesign

:+: Tuesday, March 12

animated graphics again!!!! anyone noes how to convert normal gif 2 animated gif? lemme noe puh-leze..i wanna try it out !!!

law tut 2day practically destroyed 1/2 of wateva brain cells i haf left (not tt there's much!) i spent d whole 2 hrs digesting d application of law of trust 2 matrimonial ppty....like 2 wat extent issit relevant & also d enforceability of +ve/-ve covenants btn original parties, ubsequent parties or both...blahx2 argh..it gave me tis bad headache tt lasted all d way home! & by d time it was urban econs tut...my brain juz couldn't function anymore! tom's lesson gonna b fm 8am-6pm, how sucky can tis get? so very lookin forward 2 thurs....my super duper loooong wkend! (yay d tot of it is def makin me feel much betta!!!!)

:+: Sunday, March 10

Which PPG r u?

hee super boliao in the computer lab now...so decided to take d ultimate ppg test courtesy of quizzy allen. bubbles realli adorable hehe...juz like me! (kiddin eh!)

i'm suddenly filled wif tons of inspiration today. juz couldnt let my creative juices stop flowing...haha....drew non stop during lectures... feels real good men! haven been feeling like tis for a looong time =)

*grumble grumble grumble* y am i not sleepin yet? bcoz i am printin out d assignment due like 2day!!!! wonder if i can make in time for 2dae's early lecture..oh heck..i'm always late anywayz....*grumble n more grumble*

jia looks realli CUTE wif her new fringe - trimmed n pinked wahhawhawhaw.....v kawaii ne! so tempting to put her pic up men. but she begged me not to....(u owe me 1!!) btw she's still strugglin to do her essay....hehe... and i'm gg to bed soooon. hehe.. sing along wif me....go to sleep now close your eyes.. try to think of tomorrow..... la la lalallaa....i'm crappin'...its a sign of tiredness..ZZzzzzz...

ps: animated pics r so funnnnnnnn! yippie haha....

:+: Friday, March 8
my life saviours - peisan, rozi n stef !!!!!!!!
i'm so touched! they went all d way 2 help me
wif d stuff tt i'm supposed 2 find...i'm reali
extremely deeply greatly sincerely grateful!!!
Thank u!!!!!!!

ps: i wan a digicam *sulks*


click here 4 ice cream recipes!! hee i'm gonna
try it out real soon. hee....any orders???

bloggers crappin' again...it reads *pg can't b displayed*
oh well wadaya noe its the weekend!!! yippie...so fun!
n i'll b stayin home!! (wat fun??) haf been neglectin my
family quite a bit..*feels bad* plus i hafta finish my
assignment real soon...grrr

its been a good friday. met terence 1st then jo 4 dinner...
had pasta n caught a flick - crossroads. fret not i'm NOT
a britney spears fan.but i dun hate her either. basically
its realli a britney spears movie..its all abt her...her romance,
her songs blah blah. not tt its bad but there's juz tooo
much of her!!

tt's not all men!! i was alone walkin to the mrt station then
tis guy (pakistani) juz appeared beside me n asked me
'r u fm nus??' i was totally stunned....how the hell did he
noe? tt moment was kinda freaky..he told me he's doin
MBA in nus n he saw me in the canteen or lib b4! (wtf??
i dun go lib @ all...n i onli frequent d engine canteen!)
later on he asked 4 my no.....argh...can't believe
it men...is he like blind or wat??? he can't b pickin on me!
(mayb if he's desperate haha) of coz i din give him my no
la...u think i stupid ah...haa.

:+: Thursday, March 7

a fren of mine sent me thr email...tot it was realli funny &
super cute!! i mean its not like intelligent humour or wat....
but hey it got my mind off some shitty sch wk!!!

argh...my comp is gg bonkers anytime soon...i'm getting
signals alreadi...oh no!!!!! whitebox is full of shit i tell ya!
grrr..... oh in case u hafen even heard of it...its d brand of
my comp!!

:+: Wednesday, March 6

haa took my 1st test...and guess wat....i'm a cutie!!
(oh dun u puke!!) lalalala....choc chip cookies any1??

darling di writes d finest film reviews....she's my 101%
movie buff bud~ so do drop by her blog if u lurve movies or
simply need sum advice/recommendations. gif her sum
time 2 wk on it... she's new 2 tis blog thingie like mua.
*new* bandits film review

:+: Tuesday, March 5
Those desperate 'i-can't-live-w/o-women' men r the
simplest form of bacteria!! d onli thing tt's on their
mind - 24hr female companionship~! paul's def 1
of those hopeless men. poor hairy thing. its over after he
saw some1 else behind my back. now he's beggin me 2
start over again wif words like ; 'u make me smile'
'i feel u r d one' 'i wun let u down' 'i fucked it up'
haha...yeah rite! he says tt wheneva he stops seeing
some1....wtf! fuck off 2 geylang! stop tryin 2 act pathetic...
--> buzz off..i'm movin' on w/o u.

Men are like a fine wine.
They all start out like grapes,
and it's a womans job to stomp on them
and keep them in the dark until they mature
into something you'd like to have dinner with.

wadaya tink?

:+: Monday, March 4

juz added another link: wallpapers.fotos
my fave fotos....fab photography!!

:+: Sunday, March 3
my guestbk is in a mess & d popup ads r f***king irritating!
will try to fix it up asap =(

--> FINALLY~ hee.. at least i got a decent 1 now.
do sign my guestbk. thanks. i mean fill up d empty space..
look i'm begging u....pls pls..pretty puh-leeazee...
sign my guestbk..haha


juz had my dinner ; nissin cup noodles - spicy seafood
not tt spicy afterall....tom yum flavour still rockz men~

~ Pre-monday Blues~
Sunday 3/3 = day lan leaves 4 auz
Sunday 3/3 = last day of 1 wk break

totally sux!!! can't believe 1 wk is gone juz like tt!!!!
sent lan off this early morn....another gd fren of mine has
left for studies (& i'm stranded in this tini wini island grr)
well we took alot of fun pics using her digicam =)
sigh...she'd onli gonna b back like a yr later...hopefully
by then i'll save up to visit her.

Elf talks abt d issue: 'chicken n egg - which came 1st?'
in his blog....he claims its clever....bleah...c 4 urself.

:+: Friday, March 1

i WAN i wan...a digital camera!!!
any kind souls out there wanna sponsor me 1???

its a brand new day ~YIPPIE!
i'm def feelin' much better hehe. gonna stay home!
(i got the whole house to myself 4 d next few hours
....mum's gg out! n dad's wking!) better start getting
serious!!! STUDY!!!

Yesterday: Jia extracted her molar ...poor thing!!
(aren't u glad its all over? hee) oh saw MTV VJ utt n 1 of
d members of dreamzfm..*starstricken* I've got tix 2
Alegria...*v excited* can't wait!! finally persuaded di 2
get a blog too...do check it out eh? d background changes
colour!! damn cool~

M)phosis, tangs, espirit SALE gg on now.....
gals wat r u waitin' 4??

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