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by me!!!
:+: Tuesday, October 31
Frostie the Cookie has delicious cookies!!! It looks so pretty and i had it.. i just wanted moreee.. :(( give me more puh-leze!!
Click here

:+: Saturday, February 1

:+: Thursday, January 30

:+: Sunday, May 12
Okay guys, I have officially MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After two months of blogging @blogspot....I'll b leaving purplx for another new site that I can finally call mine. sobsob....will miss this place! Rem to change ur links pple!!!!!

:+: Saturday, May 11
Good Morning!!!! I am ready to move to my new website already....but then i realised the comment section is not working yet. Shrugs!! It is temporarily disabled until May 13 which is tomolo, so I guess I can only wait til tomolo or the day after tomolo to announce my new site!

Yesterday, I met up with my uni friends in town! Its been a long time since I actually went window shopping!! Of coz it felt great!! Suddenly I had an urge to grab whatever is around me - only to realise I dun have alot of money left with me. I got my mum a brooch from taka and also shared a present for peiling's bday. Saw a gorgeous DKNY wraparound dress and a cheap ELLE bag!! So tempting!! But i am so broke!! *wails* I haven actually booked a tour to bangkok yet....any recommendations? Like which tour agency has better service etc??? Our plans - to follow those standard tours for about 3 days and probably extend two or three days on our own. Opps I am gg to be late for tuition....sayonara!!!

:+: Thursday, May 9
my new website is almost done....u guys can go take a look here. Not a very satisfying layout but at least its my first geniune attempt in html. Tell me what u think, critcisms are very welcome! hehe... Hope to complete it real soon, u guys can start changing your links already. Sorry I haven't been visiting your blogs...will do that real soon k?? in the meanwhile take care and haf a great weekend!! TGIF!!!!

sorry guys i haven blogged for days....this is really bad......my new layout is bad...i have been spending many hours figuring out html language. and i realised i suck big time...seek lotsa pple help but its still undone. sigh i should not haf wanted to change my layout at all. hmpf. sux sux sux!!!!!!!!!! okay i gotta go watch spiderman! hehe..tata!!!

:+: Monday, May 6
Funny Stuff, cannot bluff (got this from an email)

Women are unique.
Release blood for 4-5 days without dying,
Supply milk for 4-5 months without drying,
Make HOTDOGs hard in 4-5 mins without freezing!

A man was dying of CANCER.
One day, his son asked him:
"Dad, why do you keep telling people tt u r dying of AIDS?"
& Dad said: "So tt no one will FUCK ur mom after I die!"

End of Exams = Freedom = Three months of holidays = Time to find part-job = Plan my trip to bangkok = Study for my ACCA exam = Lose weight =Think of a new layout for my new webpg = many many more stuff to do!!!

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